Submit a video response on this page and you could win 1 of 20 Virtual Passes to the Better Way Conference by World Council for Health in Bath, UK happening May 20-22, 2022.


Tickets are on sale now, while tickets last. Subscribe for more updates.


Join us as we travel the path together toward a healthy new paradigm rooted in freedom, empowerment, education, and integrity.

Tell us what the "Better Way" for world health and wellness looks like to you e.g. 10-30 seconds of you telling the world why we need to value our health autonomy and health freedom more than ever*

Selfie videos are great! Just make sure it's quiet when you record.

Tell us what the "Better Way" for world health and wellness looks like to you e.g. 10-30 seconds of you telling the world why we need to value our health autonomy and health freedom more than ever

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