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Submit a video response on this page and you could
win 1 of 20 Virtual Passes
to the Better Way Conference by World Council for Health in Bath, UK happening May 20-22, 2022.
Tickets are
on sale
now, while tickets last. Subscribe for more updates.
Join us as we travel the path together toward a healthy new paradigm rooted in freedom, empowerment, education, and integrity.
Tell us what the "Better Way" for world health and wellness looks like to you e.g. 10-30 seconds of you telling the world why we need to value our health autonomy and health freedom more than ever
Selfie videos are great! Just make sure it's quiet when you record.
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Tell us what the "Better Way" for world health and wellness looks like to you e.g. 10-30 seconds of you telling the world why we need to value our health autonomy and health freedom more than ever
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